Friday, April 20, 2012

Classification of animals on basis of cells present in body

Protozoa:- The animals whose body  is made up of one cell is called Protozoa. These animals are also found in water and land . They are microscopic or can not be seen with our naked eyes.Some of them are parasite causing diseases in human like plasmodium , amoeba where as some are saprophyte helping in disposal of dead decaying things.These animals which help
 in decaying the dead body of plant and 
animals are also called decomposer.
All the function of the animals are 
carried out by the cell of the animals.
These animals do not  have well developed 
 systems. All these animals have definite 
shape except amoeba. 
Examples are paramecium, entamoeba, euglena etc

Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium falciparum

Metazoa:-The animals whose body is made up of more than one cell is known as metazoa. It includes large group of animals which may be vertebrates or invertebrates. They are more developed than protozoa and their body have well developed systems.There are
 nine phylum of invertebrates including 
protozoa also in 
it and five classes of vertebrates

 Giant monkey(mammal)

Green Newt(amphibian)

green lizard(reptile)


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