Friday, April 20, 2012

Types of vertebrate animals on basis of body temperature.

1) Warm blooded animals :-
               The vertebrate animals whose body temperature remain constant  or do not change their body temperature according to surrounding are called warm blooded animals.These animals are more developed .The different types of vertebrate animals have certain body temperature at all places whether it goes to very cold places or to very hot places .Among the five classes of vertebrate animals the aves  and mammals are warm blooded animals.     
2) Cold blooded animals:-
                  The vertebrate animals whose body temperature changes from place to place or do not have constant body temperature are  called cold blooded animals.These animals are also developed .These animals keep on changing their body temperature according to surrounding. Among the five classes of vertebrate animals the three classes namely pisces, amphibians and reptilia are the cold blooded animals.         

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