Friday, April 20, 2012

Description of chorodata

Endangered species of frog(amphibian)
Chorodata is the largest phylum of the most developed animals of division Deuterostomia.It was named by Balfour in 1880.The word Chorodata is derived from two Greek words"chorde" which means a string or cord and "ata" which means bearing. So Chorodata are animals bearing stiff-rod like structure along the backbone.
The phylum chorodata is the highest and the most important phylum comprising a vast variety of living and extinct animals including manhimself.
big fish(pisces)
Most of the living chordates are the well known familiar vertebrate animals such as the fishes, amhibians,reptiles ,birds and mammals. Besides these chordates also include a number of marine forms such as the tunicates and lancelets that are less 
  well known.The chorodata has three subphylum Cephalochorodata, Urochorodata 
and vertebrata .

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